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Submit Papers
By 1 June, 2015
Extended to 15 June, 2015
Notify Acceptance
1 August, 2015
Final Paper Due
1 September, 2015
Extended to 15 September, 2015
Author Registration
1 September, 2015
Extended to 15 September, 2015

Speaker Guides

Last updated: 1 Oct 2015

Guides For Oral Presenters

Oral presenters need to use the computers provided in the meeting rooms to present their materials.

Please submit your presentation slides online (portal opens 05 November and closes 03 December) for remote download onto the meeting room computers. Length of presentation material should be in accordance to your allotted time. We strongly encourage you to prepare the slides using the given PowerPoint template. Please do bring a backup copy of your slides in a thumb drive.

The computers in the meeting rooms are being provided to Windows‐based PC users. The PC will be configured with Microsoft Windows operating system as well as with Microsoft Office.

Steps for uploading presentation slides:

  1. Download PowerPoint slide template at
  2. Prepare your presentation slides according to the template.
  3. Log in to the Paper Submission System
  4. Click "My Papers" from the left menu
  5. Click on the Paper ID to view the paper details
  6. Scroll the page until you see the link to upload the presentation slides (see figure below). This option is only available to oral presenters.

Guides for Poster Presenters

Poster presenters can locate their assigned poster board by looking for the board marked with their Poster Number which they will find in the Final Program.

Each presenter will be provided with a 2 metre high by 1 metre wide poster board. The display area measures 1.8 metre height by 0.9 metre wide. Posters should be set up by 11.15am and removed by 5.00pm on Mon, 7 Dec. On Tue, 8 Dec, the posters need to be up by 10.30am and removed by 4.00pm. We strongly encourage that you use the given A0 sized poster template.

If you follow the A0 sized poster template and submit the file online before 26 November, we will print the poster for you. Please follow these sets to prepare and upload your poster.

Poster Presentation Printing Services

  1. Download A0 Poster Template at
  2. Prepare your poster according to the template.
  3. Log into the Paper Submission System (here)
  4. Click "My Papers" from the left menu
  5. Click on the Paper ID to view the paper details
  6. Scroll the page until you see the link to upload the poster (see figure below).
    * Poster files should be uploaded in PDF format.

At least one author of your paper is expected to be present during the poster sessions

Some Suggestions on How to Prepare a Good Poster

  1. Design Clear and Concise Messages
    A poster that is overcrowded is unattractive and difficult to read. When showing results, present only those information that illustrate the main findings of the project when. Choose simple words and avoid long sentences.

  2. Easy to Read From a Distance
    The text of your poster should be large enough and easily read from a distance of 1.5 to 2 m. Suitable display size ranges from 19 pt for text to 70 pt for title. Here is the suggested guide -
    ·         Use 20 pt for text 70 pt for your title
    ·         For good contrast, chose a bolder font
    ·         Do not use all UPPER CASE as it makes your poster difficult to read

  3. A Picture Paints a Thousand Words
    Use graphs (instead of tables) to present numerical data
    Note that our conference strongly discourages no‐show (including presentation at poster session). The organizer will only send Conference Proceedings to full‐fee participants with reasons acceptable to the committee. The committee will meet and discuss this only after the conference.